Apr 29, 2015

The Graduate

Long before we accomplish that deepest desire or wildest dream we talk a lot about how it will feel when we actually get there. We have a "My Name in Lights" moment and then we bounce back into reality and remember the effort that must be put forth in order to attain that dream. Some of us wander, others climb, and there are even those who have a straight shot. As for me, I was a wanderer. My dreams took effort, lots of it and at 18 years old, I wasn't so sure if I was up to the challenge.

Two weeks into my freshman year and I can still remember the overwhelming feeling of panic. I had signed up for whatever-classes-were-left and had somehow made my way into a program called CAL (The Center for the Advancement of Leadership- this program is discussed more in section Learning Leadership). I found myself completely overwhelmed and consumed with the pressures and expectations that surrounded me as a new college student. There was no way I was going to be able to do all of this. I wasn't smart enough, I wasn't capable enough, I didn't know how to live on my own, I didn't know how to manage my time, and I definitely wasn't a leader. 

My parents lived thirty minutes away and I knew they would take me back. If I was so incapable, they would surely get me out of this mess right? I called my dad and told him I was dropping out and coming home. What he told me that night has shaped the rest of my life and I will never forget it. He said:

"What kind of life will you make for yourself if you just come back? You can't give up."

Next to my wedding day, graduating with my bachelors degree was one of the most memorable days of my life. I could still hear my father's words as I walked across the stage to receive my diploma. I had done it. I had completed my bachelors degree. With the support of my parents, and the incredible experiences that began my freshman year, I developed a passion for higher education. With this passion, I have dedicated myself to becoming a life long learner. 

My family at my 2013 graduation!